Eazyprep brings to you ‘Words in News’, an easy and interesting way to find new important vocab for your exam and discover their meanings while also going through current affairs articles at the same time!
Here’s an article from the newspaper,’The Indian Express’. The article is about ‘India China Border Face-off’
Important words and idioms from the article
Pronunciation : puh-suhn-el
Part of Speech: noun
Meaning: a person associated with an organized especially that of military services
Synonyms: crew, troop, work force
Antonyms: none
Usage: Rajesh was an army personnel in the CIF.
Pronunciation : nei-tiv
Part of Speech: noun, adjective
Meaning: a) a person or a group of people identifying to their place of birth (noun)
b) association with the place of origin or birth (adjective)
Synonyms: Indigenous ,citizen, inhabitant, natural
Antonyms: foreign, alien, outsider
Usage: Ashok Nagar is his native village
Forms: nativity (noun)
Pronunciation : maw-tl
Part of Speech: adjective, noun
Meaning: a) subject to death or decay (adjective)
b) something that has the capacity to cause death (adjective)
c) a human being subject to death
Synonyms: being, earthling, fatal, lethal
Antonyms: immortal, inanimate, abstract
Usage: We mortals have little to no power in front of the God Almighty. .
Forms: mortality(noun)
Pronunciation: kawm-pruh-hend
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: to understand or get a grasp over something
Synonyms: discern, fathom, grasp, perceive
Antonyms: misunderstand, misinterpret, mistake
Usage: She could not comprehend the new concepts of thermodynamics introduced in class
Forms: Comprehension (verb), Comprehensible (adjective).
Pronunciation: boom-uhng
Part of Speech: adjective
Meaning: a) having a state or period of great energy and prosperity
b) a loud and cheery voice
Synonyms: profitable, prosperous, thriving, roaring
Antonyms: failing, losing, weak
Usage: His booming voice still rings in my ears.
Forms: boom (noun)
Pronunciation: kuhn-dole
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: a) share grief with someone or express sympathy
Synonyms: console, comfort, soothe, commiserate
Antonyms: distress, trouble, hurt, upset
Usage: They all came to condole with her for the loss of her father. .
Forms: condolence (noun)
Pronunciation: soh-ley-shee-uhm
Part of Speech: noun
Meaning: a token of consolation
Synonyms: amends,compensation,atonement, pay
Antonyms: penalty, retrieve
Usage: At the time of his retirement, Mr. Sharma received a lump sum money as solatium.
Pronunciation: dai-vuht
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: a) to turn to a different direction
b) to capture someone’s attention
Synonyms: alter, deflect, avert, change
Antonyms: stay, stable, maintain
Usage: Her attention was constantly diverted to the music playing outside
Forms: diversion (noun), diversity (noun)
Pronunciation: a-luh-gei-shn
Part of Speech: noun
Meaning: a) the claim that someone is guilty without having any evidence
Synonyms: accusation,charge,claim
Antonyms: exculpation, denial
Usage: An allegation was put on Rohan to have stolen money from the trust fund.
Pronunciation: deh-vuh-steit
Part of Speech: verb
Meaning: a) to destroy
b) to cause someone great grief and shock
Synonyms: ruin, ravage, rampage, destruct
Antonyms: build, construct, create, guard
Usage: Houses and crops were devastated by the arrival of the cyclone.
Forms: devastation (noun)
Practice Questions
Q1) If the words ‘comprehend’ and ‘fathom’ make a perfect pair, select the correct pair from the following set of words:
- Native-Alien
- Destruct-Construct
- Booming-Thriving
- Charge-Denial
Q2) Create sentences of your own with the following words:
- Mortal
- Condole
- Solatium
- Allegation
- Devastate
Tell us your answers in the comments below.