
  1. Science & Technology

Deepfakes enter Indian election campaigns

Deepfake Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have enabled computer systems to create synthetic videos, a.k.a. deepfakes.

A deepfake video can show a person saying or doing something that they never said or did.

An AI algorithm is taught, using deep learning, to manipulate actual video and audio to mislead viewers.

Deepfake videos have been circulated during the recent Delhi elections.

2. Polity & Governance

Cabinet’s approves constitution of “22nd Law Commission of India”

Consituition Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

The commission will function for a duration of 3 years from its date of inception.

This Commission will be responsible for giving recommendations on different aspects of law which are entrusted to it.

3. Polity & Governance

Central Consumer Protection Authority to be set up by the Government of India

Consumer Protection Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) would be set up by the Government of India by the first week of Aprill 2020.

The authority would be set up under the Consumer Protection Act 2019.

It will address various issues related to consumer rights, unfair trade practices, misleading advertisements and imposing penalties for selling spurious and adulterated products.

4. National Affairs

Nritya Gopal Das elected as the president of Ram Mandir Trust

Ram Mandir Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

Mahant Nritya Gopal Das has been elected as the president of the Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust.

Champat Rai would serve as the general secretary of the trust.

The first meeting of the Ram Mandir Trust was held to oversee the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya.

5. International Affairs

Pakistan retained on grey list of FATF

Pakistan Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

Pakistan is one of the 12 countries on the “grey list” or “other monitored jurisdictions” that are being reviewed for actions to stop terror financing and money laundering.

This is due to Pakistan not conforming to FATF’s 27 point terror finance action plan

The “black list” refers to countries for who there has been a “call to action” or strict banking and international finance sanctions, a list which at present includes Iran and North Korea.

Quick Facts: The Financial Action Task Force, is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering.

6. Science & Technology

Google ends its free WiFi service at several Indian stations

Wifi Daily Current Affairs Update | 22 Feb 2020

The service called ‘Station’ was started way back in 2015.

It was first launched at Mumbai Central railway station.

Currently, there are more than 400 railway stations equipped with this facility called RailWire. It is provided by RailTel which is partnered with Google.

This decision has been taken due to technical and infrastructural problems

Quick Facts: RailTel is the telecom wing of the Indian railways.

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