
  1. Miscellaneous

India becomes first country to control locusts through drones

Drone Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

Locusts are pests which damage crops.

They have entered India through the India-Pakistan border

The center has controlled the threat using drones and indigenously developed Ultra-low volume (ULV) sprayer

Quick Fact: The current locust swarm is an outbreak of desert locusts and has taken place in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, South Asia and South America 

2. Government Schemes

Successful completion of 3 housing schemes: 3.5 million houses handed over

House Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

The three housing schemes are:

  1. Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
  2. Smart Cities Mission (SCM)
  3. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U)

Together, these three schemes have handed over 3.5 million houses to beneficiaries

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs marked the 5 years of successful completion of the 3 Schemes.

3. International Affairs

Nine year old dispute between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia moves towards resolution

Nile Dam Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

The dispute has been over the Giant Ethiopian Renaissance Dam constructed over River Nile’s tributary, Blue Nile, by Ethiopia.

After nine years of discussion it has been decided that the dam will not be filled unilaterally by Ethiopia.

Egypt is dependent on the river for freshwater.

Quick Fact: River Nile originates from Lake Tana in Ethiopia and then diverges into two tributaries, the Blue Nile and White Nile.

4. India and the World

Pakistan and China sign agreement for Kohala HPP in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir 

Pakistan Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

The agreement has been signed by the Government of Pakistan, State-owned Chinese Company China Three Gorges Corporation, and the Government of Azad Kashmir.

The Kohala Hydropower Plant is located on River Jhelum

It is part of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

5. India and the World

World Bank Group’s STARS program in six Indian states

World Bank Star Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) Program will improve the quality and governance of school education system in India

The program will take place in Rajasthan, Odisha, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra

It will help India in bringing its aim to Education for All to realization

Quick Fact: The World Bank Group has five main branches: MIGA, ICSID, IBRD, IDA and IFC.

6. Science and Technology

Project Platina: World’s Largest Plasma Therapy Trial launched by Maharashtra

Plasma Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

Plasma therapy has the following steps:

  1. A recovered patient donates their plasma containing COVID-19 specific antibodies
  2. The plasma is then transfused into a COVID-19 patient
  3. The patient then develops similar antibodies for fighting the COVID-19 virus

Under Project Platina, the convalescent plasma will be given to all critical patients in the state hospitals of Maharashtra

Quick Fact: Plasma is the clear component of the blood left after the cells are removed

7. Science and Technology

First Plasma Bank in India at ILBS, Delhi

Plasma Bank Delhi Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

As per Delhi government, the Plasma Bank will be set up at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences.

It will be used to meet the demand for plasma as cases rise in the region. 

The plasma will be donated by COVID-19 recovered patients and transfused to COVID-19 patients to support their antibody generation capacity

8.  Miscellaneous

Ministry of Culture: Sankalp Parva drive for clean and healthy environment

Sankalp Tree Daily Current Affairs Update | 30 June 2020

A tree plantation drive is being conducted in all government offices and bodies of Ministry of Culture from 28th June to 12th July

Five trees representing the herbal heritage of India— Bargad, Awla, Pepal, Ashok and Bel, will be planted

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