DU JAT Topper’s Strategy is a great way to fine-tune your DU JAT exam preparation strategy. So let’s start knowing one such awesome strategy from our DU JAT topper, Ravjot Singh Bindra.
The DU JAT (Delhi University Joint Admission Test) is a national level entrance examination for undergraduates who want to pursue a degree in business management, finance, and business economics. Students all across India give this entrance to get selected for it and hence it is important to know the right DU JAT Preparation Strategy. The three courses that fall under DU JAT are BMS, BFIA, and Business Economics, the entrance test is common for all.

The best and most practical exam preparation tips come from fellow students just like you, who gave the entrance exam. They are the ones who can truly narrate the issues they faced and how they overcame it. So here we bring forth an interview with a student who cracked the DU JAT in his first attempt.
Ravjot Singh Bindra is a second-year student of BMS in Delhi University and he cracked the entrance exam in his first attempt in 2018. His All India Rank was 410.
DU JAT Topper’s Strategy: Tips and guidance by Ravjot
How did you know which career stream and exam to opt for?
Ever since class 11th and 12th, I dreamt of getting an admission in DU like every student. And I was always interested in learning more about business related fields and management, hence opted for DU JAT and started preparing for it rigorously.
How much time did you devote for DU JAT preparation?
I started preparing for DU JAT immediately after I finished my board exams. Thus, I had approximately 2-3 months for my preparations. During my preparation days, I took a coaching as well, but made sure that whatever was taught in the institute, was revised at home once again. So on a particular day, I would say that I gave 6-7 hours to prepare for the entrance.

What was your preparation strategy for DU JAT?
I prioritized the preparation of each subject according to my preparation level. Say, if I felt that I was scoring less in the quantitative section while giving the mock paper, I would practice more such questions.
I took the coaching classes, grasped the important portions and then came back home to practice those questions again. This is how I handled most subjects.
I read the newspapers and 6 months of current affairs daily bit by bit, made notes on them and revised them daily. I also set small targets for myself and achieved them. This habit motivated me the most to prepare.
I also solved the question papers every alternative day and timed myself.
Lastly, of course, I would like to emphasize that studying the NCERT books helped very much.
What was your preparation strategy for business awareness?
For preparing business awareness portions, I revised my business studies subject as taught in classes 11th and 12th. Since I had already prepared for business studies for boards, I just had to make sure I revise everything daily.
Also, I made use of the mock papers and DU JAT previous year paper to understand the pattern of questions and proceeded in this manner. I also looked up on the online materials available for the same and studied from my coaching notes.
Which books would you recommended for DUJAT preparation?
I basically brushed up my basics from NCERT books. I also practiced mocks and previous year papers from the coaching institute materials. For static GK, it’s very important to go through the NCERT books of social sciences of classes 8th, 9th, 10th. It is even more important to read newspapers daily to know about current affairs. In fact, this practice also helps for PI rounds that are applicable for admission in some colleges. Apart from this, one can get many materials from the internet, but it is imperative to study anything qualitatively. Basically focus on quality over quantity.

How did you approach negative marking in DUJAT?
Firstly, for getting minimum negative marks, it is important to focus on the marking scheme and DU JAT paper pattern and start preparing accordingly. Secondly, attempt those questions that you are confident about first and then only if time is left, start solving the tricky questions.
Tell us one aspect of the preparation strategy that you would want to change for a better score and why.
One aspect that I feel I could work more on was my time management skills. Even though I am happy that I got an admission in my dream university, I feel that if my time management skills were better, my rank could have been much better.
Okay. Now give us 4 DU JAT Preparation tips for students who are preparing for the upcoming exam.
Sure, here they are:
- Before starting the preparation, do a thorough DU JAT analysis. Understand what the entrance demands from you and analyse each individual section by looking at previous year papers.
- Practice each individual section properly and do not try to mug up any portion. Do the basics and clear out all the sections well in advance.
- Time yourself properly while solving the mock papers and work upon the weaker areas.
- Do the GK portion very well and inculcate the habit of reading the newspapers daily. GK is such a portion that can make it or break it. If you can do good in this portion, you will be able to score well overall.

And lastly, tell us 3 mistakes that aspirants should definitely not make.
According to me, these are the three things that any aspirant should definitely not make.
- If the entrance has negative marking, never solve any question you are not confident about. Do as much as you know. It’s better to get a zero over negative marking.
- Do not underestimate your competition. As every entrance test is a national level entrance, students from all across the country give it. So be prepared, do not keep your preparations till the last moment and do good on the paper.
- Start preparation early only and do not leave anything for the last moment. If any portion is left 5 days before the exam, don’t start it.
I hope this DU JAT Topper’s Strategy with very useful and practical tips and tricks will help you to prepare even better for DU JAT. All the best, time to fine-tune your DU JAT Preparation Strategy now!