Tips on cracking DU JAT is probably told to you by hundreds of blogs and videos out there on the internet today. You perhaps even know all the books required for the preparation but even then, do not seem to do. Don’t worry, we are right here for you with a foolproof DU JAT Preparation Strategy. The problem is not a lack of information, rather a lack of procedure and actually doing work.
“The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
For all of you, all ready and prepared to enter the prestigious Delhi University, DU JAT is very well known. However, for those who still don’t know, here it is!
The DU JAT is one of the most coveted competitive entrance examinations in India for getting admission into the courses of BFIA, BMS, and Bachelors in Business Economics. One thing to be kept in mind is that for taking up economics, your marks help you get allocated in colleges while for business economics, you need to give this entrance. For both the courses, there is one eligibility criteria that is to have mathematics as a subject in class 12th.

DU JAT Exam Pattern
The exam consists of 100 MCQs, distributed in the following pattern:
Section | No. of Questions |
Quantitative Ability | 25 |
Reasoning and Analytical Ability | 25 |
General English | 25 |
Business and General Awareness | 25 |
Marking Scheme: Each correct answer will get a score of +4 marks, each wrong answer will get a score of -1 mark.
Overall DU JAT Preparation Strategy
Some of the things to be kept in mind while preparing for the entrance are:
- This is a competitive aptitude-based exam that requires your persistence and perseverance.
- The exam has negative marking, so accuracy and efficiency is the key.
- Follow your pace and timetable to study.
- Choose quality over quantity.
Now we present you with a 7- step efficient system that will help you to get a head start in preparation of your entrance exam.
STEP 1: Read, understand and write down the syllabus properly
The DU-JAT is a 2-hour paper consisting 100 questions which is further divided as 25 questions each of
- Quantitative aptitude
- Logical Reasoning
- General English
- Business and General Awareness
In order to thoroughly understand the paper, it is important to go through each and every section and then take a note of the difficult topics so that you can work on those more. Always make sure that you read the guidelines of the exam so that you are prepared in a correct manner.
STEP 2: Search for mocks and previous year papers
The previous year papers are truly an eye-opener for you. These papers will let you know about the difficulty level and the type of questions to be asked. Questions might not be repeated but it will enable you to test your own abilities and plan out your action plan accordingly. Give the mock tests at regular intervals of time to assess and check the level of preparedness. Always remember, self-introspection is very crucial.
STEP 3: Target and brush up weak areas
Once you are thorough with the syllabus and question paper scanning, you will come to know the weak areas. By doing mock papers, you will see where you lack. Hence it is imperative to target those areas and prepare them more. Always start your day by doing the most important task and in this case, the weakest portion.
STEP 4: Make friends with practice and revision
Yes, you heard me right! I can tell you a gazillion times more that by practicing, you can increase your chances of cracking the exam. Make short and crisp notes of all the important topics and revise them on alternative days. You can also give wings to your creative side and paste post it notes on your desks or wall to memorise important things. No matter how much you have studied, solving papers lets you critically analyse yourself.
STEP 5: Brush up your General knowledge awareness daily
GK is something that we all struggle with. But apparently, almost all entrances have these questions that can make or break it. Therefore, it is advised to read the newspapers or current affairs daily without fail. Static Gk questions needs to be read. Also do specific internet searches for national parks, awards, ministers, sports, etc and prepare them well.
STEP 6: Be motivated, consistent and optimistic
By being optimistic and consistent with your preparations, you can surely crack any examination. Be patient and focus on your own work and studies. Although preparing for any competitive exam can be stressful, always think positive. Do not compare yourself with your friends and do not lose faith if you are unable to solve any question in the mock test. Make a note of the wrong answers and jump right into preparing them again. At the end of the day, you have to be your own cheerleader and biggest motivator. But just for that added boost, fill your study area with inspirational quotes from Pinterest!
STEP 7: Do well, sleep well and most importantly keep yourself well
You must remember that at the end, all that matters is what you are, not what you are worth of. Cracking the exam and getting into a good college is wonderful, but not at the expense of your physical and mental health. Hence, it is advisable that you get a good 7 hours of sleep, exercise, eat healthy and practice self-care religiously. These times are tough but so are you! Do not put all your time and energy for the preparation, take some time out for your own self.
Enough of strategies and prep talk. The last thing that I want you all to remember is not to study at the last moment and do not study anything on the day of the examination. Revise a little bit and stay calm. You will surely crack the entrance with flying colours!!
What to avoid while preparing?
- While preparing for DU JAT, there are many different ideas and suggestions pouring in from different corners. Even though you decide to hear them all, you should be aware of what needs to be avoided from your end, owing to a qualitative preparation.
- Do not indulge in strained mugging up. Instead, pen everything down and keep revising until you remember it easily.
- When you opt for a practice test, do not practice without a timer.
- Cramming the vocabulary is no solution. Instead, have a habit of reading and making use of the new words you learn on a daily basis. This way, you’ll have an idea about word usage and will have a better memory of how to use it in a sentence.
- When you have just a few days before the exam, do not take up any new topic. You may not be able to complete it timely and thus hamper your confidence on other topics. Whatever you cover, just cover it deeply and in a polished manner.
These exams should not be considered as the deciding factor of intelligence but should be taken as a healthy competition. With such a huge population, there are many who might be sharing the same dreams and aspirations with you. Therefore, in order to clear the exam, all you need to do is pull up your socks now and put your best foot forward while performing in the exam.
Section-Wise DU JAT Preparation Strategy
Tips for Quantitative Ability Section
This section of DU JAT consists of 25 questions from general maths (uptil class 10th) and higher maths topics (Classes 11th -12th). Following tips can be used to prepare for this section:
- Students should practice maths from their maths textbooks from grade 10th onwards for a better grip on the subject. Students can go one step further by practicing questions given in the previous year question papers for DU JAT.
- Students can help speed up the remembering process for the mathematical formulas by writing it down on a paper and placing it somewhere where they are likely to come across it every day. This helps in memorizing the formulas with ease.
- The Quantitative section should be practiced every day in order to increase speed and accuracy.
Some Important Topics
- Number system
- Permutation and Combination
- Probability
- Mensuration
- Ratio and proportion
- Matrix and determinants
- Vectors
- Calculus
Recommended Booklist
- ‘How to prepare for Quantitative for the CAT’ – by Arun Sharma, published by MGH Education
- ‘The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams’- Dinesh Khattar, Published by Pearson
- Maths class 11 and 12th – Published by NCERT

Tips for English Section
This section of DU JAT consists of 25 questions of various levels of difficulty. Following tips can be used to prepare for this section:
- A lot of times students leave out the English section thinking that it is easy and should be spent the least time on. However, the English section, if prepared for nicely can yield us great marks which take us closer to excelling in the entrance. Students should never leave the English section to be done at last. English should be studied daily to gain more and more confidence in the subject.
- Newspaper Editorials should be read daily in order to increase vocabulary which is a crucial aspect of mastering the language.
- Reading comprehension and other grammatical exercises should be practiced from the previous year’s papers in order to increase accuracy.
- Students should make notes of every new grammatical rule, syntaxes, and new words that they come across. These notes come in handy for revision before the examination.
Some Important Topics
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Idioms
- Sentence Correction
- Reading Comprehension
- Parajumbles
Recommended Booklist
- ‘Word Power Made Easy’ – by Norman Lewis
- ‘High School English Grammar & Composition’ – by Wren & Martin
- DU BMS entrance exam Guide by Arihant experts

Tips for Reasoning and Analytical Section
This section of DU JAT consists of 25 questions from logical reasoning topics. Following tips can be used to prepare for this section:
- The best tip to excel in this section is to practice the questions on reasoning from previous year question papers. This helps us analyze the kind of questions that can be asked in the exam, knowing which can help us deduce the methods to solve the questions correctly and fast.
Some Important Topics
- Sitting Arrangement
- Relations
- Directions
- Puzzles
- Non-verbal reasoning
- Series
Recommended Booklist
- A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal & Analytical – Arihant Publications
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Aptitude – R S Agrawal

Tips for Business and General Awareness Section
This section in DU JAT consists of 25 questions. Following tips can be used to prepare for this section:
- Business and General Awareness section tests the students on their general current affairs knowledge, the best source for being aware of which is newspapers. Students should make it a point to read the newspapers daily and keep revising the news monthly to remember it for a long time.
- Students should always be aware of the economy and business-related happenings in the country as they can expect a lot of questions around these areas.
- Students should also be well aware of brands, companies, and big enterprises in and around India.
Recommended Booklist
- Manorama Year Book- All the latest information is available, Published by Manorama
- Daily reading of National Newspapers, watching TV news
- General Knowledge 2020-Published by Arihant
- General Knowledge Manual-Published by Pearson

Lastly, the most useful tip for cracking the exam is to be consistent and hardworking. Taking each day as important, and utilizing each day to the fullest. No exam is hard enough if we work hard enough and practice every day. We sincerely hope that this DU JAT Preparation Strategy helps you in clearing this coveted exam. You should also take a look at the preparation tips from DU JAT toppers. With those parting words, all the best for the exam!