
The month of October marks the beginning of many festivals throughout the Indian subcontinent. But, when it comes to preparing for an entrance test, the dates of the month become more important. All thanks to their environmental, historical, political, or social importance. So, let’s get an idea about the Important Days In October

October 1 

International Day of Older Persons 

Every year, this day is observed to address the problems of older people and the development of society as a whole. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on December 14, 1990, and designated October 1 as International Day of Older Persons. 

International Coffee Day 

To recognize all the people indulged in the coffee business from farmers to owners, this day is celebrated. These people work hard to meet our coffee tastes and preserve this beverage. October 1 is celebrated as International Coffee Day worldwide. 

October 2

Gandhi Jayanti 

The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. An inspiration to many famous leaders and role models, October 2 is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti. 

International Day of Non-Violence 

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution of establishing the International Day of Non-Violence on 15 June 2007. Following the day of Gandhiji’s birthday, this day is observed to spread the message of non-violence. This includes both education and public awareness. 

October 3 

German Unification Day 

3 October 1990 marks the day when the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany united as one single federal Germany. German Unity Day is celebrated. 

October 4

World Animal Welfare Day 

In order to raise awareness amongst people in order to take action for animal welfare, this day is celebrated. The rising need to improve the welfare standards for animals worldwide is realized on this day. 

October 5

World Teachers’ Day

To commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of the Teachers in 1966, this day is celebrated. World Teachers’ Day is a celebration in the whole world, every year. The recommendation set the benchmarks in relation to the rights and responsibilities of teachers, their education and retirement, etc. 

October 8 

Indian Air Force Day

The Indian Air Force was established in 1982 and hence, to honour them, this day is celebrated. 

October 10

World Mental Health 

Every year, this day is celebrated to highlight the suicide scale throughout the world. Also, the aim is to highlight the role of each individual in order to prevent the same. Organized by the World Federation for Mental Health, this day is supported by the WHO and the Internal Associated for Suicide Prevention and United for Global Mental Health. 

October 11

International Day of the World Child 

This day is celebrated to raise awareness amongst people to raise their voice for girls. Also, for girls, to stand up for their rights. Every year, a theme for this day is decided on. 

October 13

World Calamity Control Day (UN)/ UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

In order to raise awareness about the risk of disaster reduction, this day is observed as the International Day for Natural disaster Reduction. This was started by the UN General Assembly in 1989. 

October 14 

World Standards Day 

This day is celebrated for all the regulators, industry, and consumers. The aim is to highlight the importance of standardization to the global economy. 

October 15 

Global Handwashing Day 

Founded by the Global Handwashing Partnership, the Global Handwashing Day is celebrated. This day is like an opportunity to design, test as well as replicate the creative ways in which people can indulge in hand washing. This day was first celebrated in 2008. 

World White Cane Day

Celebrated by the National Federation of the Blind, the World White Cane Day is observed in relation to the blind people. With the white cane, blind people can lead an independent life by moving from one place to the other. 

World Students’ Day

In order to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, this day is celebrated. His role in many fields is beyond measure. This day is an effort to pay tribute to him for his contributions, as a teacher, in the field of science and technology. 

October 16

World Food Day

Every now and then, we hear the importance of eating healthy. But, how about dedicating a day to inspire people to eat healthily? October 16, is that for you. 

October 17

International Poverty Eradication Day

This day every year, marks the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). With combined efforts, the main aim is to eradicate poverty and help children along with their families, lead a better life. 

October 23 

Mole Day 

Avogadro’s number, which is one of the bases of Chemistry, is commemorated on this day. For all the people having a general interest in Chemistry, this day is celebrated. 

October 24 

UN Day 

This day marks the anniversary of the UN Charter’s entry into force since 1948. But in 1971, the member states of the UN General Assembly, this day was recommended as a public holiday. 

World Development Information Day 

The development problems of the world need to be addressed and hence, this day is celebrated. The rising need to strengthen international cooperation to cope up and solve them is addressed. 

October 30 

World Thrift Day 

In India, this day is celebrated on October 30. But, worldwide, the day is observed on October 31. This day is devoted to promoting the need of making savings, in all corners of the world. 

October 31 

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas/ National Unity Day 

Indian Freedom Fighter Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was born on October 31. His role in the country’s unification is tremendous. Hence, this day is celebrated. 

First Monday of October 

World Habitat Day

The first Monday of October is celebrated as World Habitat Day. It was declared by the UN General Assembly in December 1985 and 1986. This was the first time it was celebrated all across the globe. 

Second Thursday of October 

World Sight Day 

The second Thursday of October is observed as World Sight Day. The aim is to create awareness amongst people in relation to blindness as well as vision impairment. 

So there you have it, the list of Important Days In October. Don’t forget to check out the list of Important Days in other months at Eazyprep!

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