IPU CET BBA is an entrance exam conducted by Indraprastha University for granting admission to the BBA course. Every year lakhs of applications are received by Indraprastha University for the BBA course. This trend is the same for this year. The competition level of this entrance exam is high. Therefore, an aspiring candidate needs to have good preparation to crack this entrance examination.
A student needs to have an effective strategy for cracking the IPU CET BBA exam. But, in the last hour of preparation students become panicked and tension surrounds the mind. However, the last hour of preparation is important for any student to crack any entrance examination like IPU CET BBA. Sometimes, the things that are read during the last hour rescue you in the exam.
This article will help you to develop an effective last-hour preparation strategy for IPU CET BBA.

What constitutes a last-hour Preparation Strategy?
In the last hour, it is necessary to revise every aspect of the IPU BBA entrance exam. Following are the tips that one should follow at the last moment of preparation:
1. Revise Current Affairs
At the last moment of GGSIPU CET BBA preparation, the first thing that a student needs to revise is the current affairs. Current affairs can save your result and provide you a rank in the IPU CET BBA exam. It is better to revise the current affairs of the previous 5 months from the exam date.
Current affairs of the past 5 months have due importance in the IPU CET BBA exam. Write the important news on a sheet so that you can revise them even before the exam timing.
2. Solve Mock tests
Solving mock tests is one of the most important things that a student must do at the last hour of IPU CET BBA exam preparation. Mock tests help the students to get used to the exam pattern and how to use time efficiently. Therefore, an aspiring student needs to solve at least 3 mock tests at the last moment.
It is also preferred that a student must solve the previous year’s papers to know the level of the IPU CET BBA exam. The important thing that a student needs to remember is that they should not get discouraged if the mock test results are not that great. It is so because the actual exam can give you desired results. Therefore, do not get discouraged with the mock results before the actual exam.
3. Focus on Important Logical reasoning Topics
Logical Reasoning is the favorite section of many students. But sometimes this section can be difficult in the IPU BBA entrance exam. Therefore, it becomes necessary to focus on the important logical reasoning topics at the last moment. Solve the questions of all the important topics in this section.
The topics in the Logical Reasoning section which are important include:
1. Coding-Decoding
2. Calendar and Clock
3. Syllogism and Series
4. Statement and Conclusion
5. Analogies and finding patterns
Make sure to revise all the above topics. Solve as many questions as you can during the last hour of the IPU CET BBA exam.
4. Vocabulary
At the last hour of the IPU CET BBA exam, it becomes important to revise the vocabulary. English is one of the high-scoring sections of the IPU BBA entrance exam. In the English section, students will see more vocabulary questions. Therefore, revise all the words that can increase your vocabulary.
5. Monitor Health
Health is one of the most important things that a student needs to monitor before the IPU CET BBA exam. Stress, anxiety, and tension can lead to health deterioration. Therefore, monitor your health and make sure that your health stays good at the time of examination. Have 8 hours of sleep before the actual examination. This will refresh your mind and provide energy to your body.

How to Get a Top Rank in IPU CET BBA?
For getting admission to IPU BBA, a student needs to have a good score at the IPU CET BBA result. Students who will hold positions among 1000 in BBA IPU results will move to the next round. So, what’s the mantra for getting a Top Rank in the IPU CET BBA exam?
Well, there is no such mantra. But, yes, a good strategy can position you in the top 1000 of IPU CET BBA results. Following are the tips that a student should use for getting a top rank in the IPU CET BBA exam:
1. Attempt the GS/ Current Affair section first
In the 150 minutes of the IPU CET BBA exam, one must manage the timing. Therefore, try to attempt all the GS/current affair questions that you can attempt.
2. Attempt 80+ questions
To hold a rank among the top 1000 students in the IPU CET BBA exam, a student needs to attempt at least 80 questions out of 100. If a student can get 75+ questions correct, then the chances of getting a rank are high.
In the paper of 100 questions, it is expected that 60 questions will be easy for you, and the rest can be difficult. Therefore, use all your knowledge to attempt 80+ questions.
3. English- the savior section
The English section is going to be the savior section for all the students who are going to give the IPU CET BBA 2022 exam. First, attempt all the questions in the English section which you think are perfectly correct. After which, try to attempt the doubtful questions with the help of the elimination method. Never leave the questions from the English section. It can be the savior and the guesswork can work for you here.
However, not every time guesswork works. Therefore, the process of elimination is best for scoring better in the English section.
The IPU CET BBA entrance exam is not very difficult to crack. It just needs full attention and a proper strategy. At the last hour of preparation, it is important to have an overview of the syllabus and important topics. With the help of the above-listed tips, a student can get a rank in the IPU CET BBA result.