GD & Personal Interview
How to be a Champion at Interviews
About to face an interview? Don’t forget these important interview must do’s and don’ts to become an Interview Ninja!
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About to face an interview? Don’t forget these important interview must do’s and don’ts to become an Interview Ninja!
The role of sleep is so misunderstood in exam prep. Here is an eye opener which proves that missing out on sleep is a bigger crime in exam prep than sleeping too much!
Studying too much can increase your brain power, BUT ALSO your eye power if not done properly. So here are some important tips to take care of your eyes while you prep for your exam!
Everyone keeps saying that you MUST practice previous year papers. But is it so important? Here are some reasons why. Read on and find out!
Feeling stressed? Well, as much as that is part of student life, there are some sure shot ways to ease the tension and bring your mind to rest. So give this blog a read and take a chill pill.
Money or passion? What is more important when it comes to selecting your career? Here is a little read to help you think a little more about this dilemma.
Do you feel drowsy while you study? Is the sleep bug eating into your syllabus completion schedule? Well, time to overpower sleep with six brilliant hacks!
Reading the newspaper is important for your exam, but reading it correctly is even more important. Here are a few important tips to make sure you get your daily dose of knowledge from the newspaper.
Have lots of names and dates to remember for your exam? Here are some cool short term memory hacks you can use to learn like a pro!
Do you find the English language overwhelming and confusing? Don’t worry, many of us do. And that is why, here are some great tips to help you be more at ease with the language.