NCHMCT JEE Preparation Strategy is a must-know for all those attempting the National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This entrance exam is taken by the students seeking admission in the institutes of hotel management affiliated with the NCHMCT. The B.Sc Hospitality and other management courses are available.
When you are aiming to get admission in the best college, your challenge is to get an excellent score. Alongside, a preparation strategy which works the best for you. Your strategy should be based on the exam pattern, so let’s discuss that first.

NCHMCT JEE Exam Pattern
The NCHMCT JEE Exam is an online computer based exam. The students will be asked to solve 200 MCQ questions. The time duration for the NCHMCT exam is 3 hours and can be taken in either English or Hindi mode. In all, the exam has 5 sections namely:
- Aptitude for service sector
- Language
- General language
- Numerical ability
- Logical deduction and reasoning
The section-wise weightage of questions and marks is stated below:
Aptitude for service sector | 50 |
English Language | 60 |
General knowledge | 30 |
Numerical ability and science aptitude | 30 |
Logical deduction and reasoning | 30 |
NCHMCT JEE Marking Scheme
While preparing for the NCHMCT JEE, you should be well aware of the marking scheme. This will help you take calculated risks while attempting questions and avoid losing your rank to negative marking.
As mentioned earlier, the exam consists of 200 questions. For every correct answer, the candidate will be awarded 4 marks. 1 mark each as negative will be deducted, for every wrong answer. Also, 0.05 marks will be deducted for any unattended question in the paper. Therefore, don’t tick any answer till you are not sure. But, do attempt even if you have a slight idea in order to save some marks.
But for the service aptitude section, there is a little difference. In this section, every correct question will give you 4 marks. Every wrong answer will reduce 1 mark each. But, there shall be no marks deduction for the unanswered questions. This section of the exam is pretty tricky and difficult.
Hoping that you are thorough with the exam pattern, let’s get some points related to the preparation strategy covered.
Overall Preparation Strategy
1. Focus more on Aptitude for service section
Candidates might find this one relatively difficult. The questions related to this one are based completely on the hospitality sector. Therefore, to make the preparation interesting, you can take up books related to tourism and travel. The fascinating pictures will create an urge to read and learn more, helping in the preparation.
2. Make a detailed time table
Preparation is incomplete without a time table. You should either divide your day or probably your entire week to achieve your short term goals. Here’s an interesting tip for you. For instance, you don’t like Mondays and get Monday blues. But, you absolutely love the English subject. Hence, you can study English on Monday. With this, you’ll even start looking forward to Mondays.

3. More than a single glance
So, this is a fact that we begin to relate to anything which we see on a regular basis. So, even if you don’t like studying any particular subject, just glance through the NCHMCT mock test and NCHMCT previous year question papers. This should be done regularly. You’ll get familiar with the question pattern and how to answer them.
Now, let’s shift to the specific section wise preparation strategy.
Section-wise preparation strategy
1. Aptitude for service section
This is a very important section with a high weightage too. Please read the following details carefully in order to ensure you do well in this special section of the hotel management entrance exams.
Preparation Strategy:
This section is a little tough. In the paper, you’ll get 50 questions entirely based on this section. Keeping in mind the number of questions, you should try and attempt about 35 questions to maintain your score. In the second round of answering, tick those ones about which you are slightly sure about. This will save you from negative marking.
- R Gupta’s book for Hotel Management
- Arihant’s Study Package for Hotel Management and Hospitality
- Exam Guide by Gladvin Rego
- Entrance Exam Guide by Dr R P Datason
2. English
The English section has 60 dedicated questions. These are going to be a mix of various topics. The comprehension based questions will require focused and quick reading. You can take help of the newspapers for practicing. The questions won’t be very difficult if you have a good knowledge about the language.
Other topics like tenses, sentence re-arrangement and restructuring etc. will also be included. This section of the exam can be high scoring if you have a thorough practice of the same while preparing.
Preparation Strategy:
Make use of your phone for this one. Learn phrases or new words and associate it to the behavioural traits of your friends and family. Also, try fun techniques like replace their name in your phone with the phrase or words suiting them the best. This is a good way to learn.
- Wren and Martin
- Tata McGraw-Hill
- Arihant General English for all competitive exams
- Pearson’s English
3. General Knowledge
30 questions in the exam will be current affairs based. So, rather than focusing a major chunk of your day looking for gk sources you can rely on newspapers or monthly magazines. They have enough data to keep you covered and help in solving around 23-26 questions.
Preparation Strategy:
Not everyone finds comfort in newspapers and grasping books. So, go the digital way. Look for mentors and videos online which might discuss issues verbally. This will save your time and give you an idea of open discussion of views. Visualisation helps in understanding concepts well. But make sure you make notes for revision.
- Pearson India YearBook
- Lucent’s GK
- Competitive Review YearBook
- Arihant General Knowledge
4. Numerical Ability
This section also contains 30 questions. They will be based on basic numeric knowledge of high school level. Though, to increase the difficulty, the question can be twisted. Language used can be difficult, too. But, after English, this section has a higher chance of fetching a good score. So try making shortcuts and tricks which can help you in giving minimum 20-25 correct answers.
Preparation Strategy:
Daily practice of sums and shortcuts is what will help you. Also, periodically, you should have a revision of the basic concepts. Try solving the previous year papers and reward yourself on a fair performance in the beginning.
- C Chand’s 30 day wonder for Maths
- RS Aggarwal – Quantitative Aptitude
5. Logical Reasoning
Logical Reasoning also has 30 questions. Break the questions to understand them better. The level of difficulty ranges in between moderate to difficult. Your quickness and calculations will help in accuracy.
Preparation Strategy:
You should try and be keen on observing things. While solving the questions, before looking for solutions, open the possibilities down. Decode the question in the language you are comfortable with. Also, you can note the pattern in questions of similar nature. This will help you in co-relating and choosing the best suited alternate.
- Refer to the quantitative aptitude question papers of banking exams
- RS Aggarwal – verbal and non-verbal reasoning
- RS Aggarwal – Quantitative aptitude ebook (solved)

There is not a single strategy that might sail you through the NCHMCT JEE exam. With individual needs, come strategies. Strengthen your strengths while preparing but also focus on your weaknesses. Because, in the end, they are going to push you the most. Take a look at the NCHMCT JEE 2020 exam analysis to get to know the exam even better!