Online exam mistakes are one the important subjects to look into, in the present post covid digital admission era. One wrong click or a simple network error, or something else that is not even in your control can cause poor performance in the exam.
Do not worry! We here at Eazyprep will give you a few pointers as to what you need to be careful about while attempting an online exam. You can read all the details about the different mistakes that you can make during an online exam and the precautionary measures to successfully complete an exam, here in this article. Given below are 10 instances of making mistakes and what you should do in order to ensure a smooth online exam:

Ways to Prevent Online Exam Mistakes
1. Check your Computer
The most important thing that you need to do is checking your computer thoroughly before the exam, to avoid making any online exam mistakes. Make sure the hardware and the software of your computer are working well. Make sure of proper electricity connections, and if you are using a laptop, make sure that it is fully charged. This can help in avoiding a lot of last-minute troubles during the exam.
2. Check your Internet Connection
Another important thing to do is to check your internet connection. Use a stable internet connection or WiFi during the exam, in order to not get disconnected. If you are using your mobile hotspot, make sure that the mobile is placed where it gets the most reception and the maximum internet speed.
3. Choose Suitable Environment
Most online exams require the candidates to switch on their camera and microphone as a method to prevent cheating through proctoring. Hence, make sure that you are sitting in a quiet environment with minimal audio interventions and somewhere where your family might not accidentally walk in.
4. Understand the guidelines
One of the most important steps in attending an online examination and preventing any online exam mistakes is understanding the guidelines of the exam. Check the date and time that the exam is going to take place. When it comes to online exams, some institutions give a window, wherein the candidate can attend the exam at any time, provided that it falls in the window. But others give a specific time wherein the student can only log in at a particular time and attend the exam. So, make sure about the timings of your exam.
5. Keep away from your mobile phone
Before the exam, make sure to switch off your mobile phone. If you are using your mobile hotspot, then make sure to put your phone on silent mode, so that no notifications cause a disturbance. Do not look at your mobile phone in the middle of the exam, unless the exam asks you to scan and upload a written document, to avoid being disqualified from the exam on the grounds of cheating.

6. Do not open new tabs
During your exam, make sure that no other tab is open, except the exam tab. Opening new tabs during the course of the exam, can lead to the proctor thinking that you are opening a new tab to cheat and google answers, which can lead to you being disqualified from the exam.
7. Keep Everything Ready
Keep everything you need for the exam ready beforehand. Some online exams will require candidates to draw or write and answer and scan and upload the answer sheet to the given link. In such cases, make sure you have kept answer papers and stationary ready by your side so that you will not have to get up and move away from the camera, which might cause misunderstandings. Such online exam mistakes can even lead to disqualification.
8. Technical Problems? Don’t Worry
If you encounter any technical problems in between, don’t panic. Contact the instructor or the proctor as soon as possible and express your troubles. They will find you a solution. The contact details of the instructor will be given at the beginning of the test, along with the exam instructions.
9. Save Answers
In case of subjective questions for which you need to type in long answers, make sure that you are saving the draft, so that you may not lose any data. Normally, the system times you out when the time is over, and not saving your draft can lead to it looking like you haven’t answered the question at all. Hence, make sure you keep saving answers in between.

10. Before Submitting…
Before finally submitting your exam answers, check once more whether you have answered every question. In case of subjective questions, read once more through your answers to check whether you need to add anything extra. Once you are sure, finally click on the submit button.
Hope this article was of help to you in learning about some of the online exam mistakes that you can make and the ways to prevent and overcome them.