In this article you will learn:
- Parajumbles
- Strategy to Arrange Parajumbles into a Meaningful Paragraph.
- Ordering Sentences into Paragraphs.
Exam Connect:
Parajumbles are paragraphs that are jumbled. Usually, a candidate is given a paragraph with sentences not in the right order. The candidate has to rearrange the sentences in a logical order to make meaning. Parajumbles questions are one of the most important parts of the verbal ability section of English for Entrance Exams. It is one of the tougher topics which, if you are not careful, can lose you marks. Questions appear in the forms of:
- Identify the right order

Strategies to Solve Parajumble Questions
Look for Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns like he, she, it, him, her, they, etc. refer to a person or thing. If a sentence with a personal pronoun is given, then it means a sentence that talks about what it refers to must come before it. Consider the following sentences:
A) He is originally from Bombay.
B) Raju just recently shifted to my neighborhood.
Here, the “he” in the first sentence refers to Raju who is talked about in the second. The sentence with the proper noun comes first if there is another sentence that uses its personal pronoun. Hence the order of the two sentences according to the rules of Parajumbles will be BA.
Look for Demonstrative Pronoun
Personal pronouns like this, those, that, them etc. refer to a particular thing or event. If a sentence with a demonstrative pronoun is given, then it means a sentence that talks about what it refers to must come before it. Consider the following sentences:
A) Rahul didn’t notice them.
B) The notices of the programme were lying on the table.
Here, the “them” in the first sentence refers to the notices which are talked about in the second. The sentence with the proper noun comes first if there is another sentence that uses its demonstrative pronoun. Hence the order of the two sentences according to the rules of Parajumbles will be BA.
Look for Transition words:
Transition words help in smooth transition from one idea to another. They will help in understanding the order of sentences in a logical way. A few such words are: also, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, similarly, consequently, hence, subsequently, therefore, thus, in other words, however, etc. No sentence that starts with such a word can open a paragraph. They will always come after another sentence, trying to connect ideas between the two. Consider the following sentences:
A) Hence they are seen in Polar regions.
B) Polar bears live in places with cold climates.
Here the first sentence adds on to the idea of the second by using the transition word “hence”. Thus, the order of the two sentences according to the rules of Parajumbles will be BA.
Look for Acronyms or Short Forms
If a sentence with an acronym or a short form is given, then it means that a sentence that talks about the full form of it must come before it. Consider the following sentences:
A) Marx belonged to the country of Germany.
B) Karl Marx is known as the father of communism.
Here, “Marx” in the first sentence refers to “Karl Marx”, given in the second sentence. Hence the order according to the rules of Parajumbles will be BA.

Parajumbles Practice Questions
1. Choose the right order of the following sentences:
A- People can get infected by handling reptiles and then touching their mouths or an open cut.
B- At first, they look like perfect pets: exotic, quiet and tidy.
C- A study estimates that in 1995, there were as many as 6,700 reptile-caused salmonella infections.
D– But lizards and other pets can harbour a salmonella bacterium that makes people sick.
Answer: D
Explanation: Identify the transition words and demonstrative pronouns in the sentences. Then the process of arranging these sentences becomes quite easy according to the rules of Parajumbles.
2. Choose the right order of the following sentences:
A- If you are used to having your stimulation come in from outside, your mind never develops its own habits of thinking and reflecting.
B- Marx thought that religion was the opiate because it soothed people’s pain and suffering and prevented them from rising in rebellion.
C- If Karl Marx was alive today, he would say that television is the opiate of the people.
D- Television and similar entertainments are even more of an opiate because of their addictive tendencies.
Answer: D
Explanation: Identify the short forms and the long forms. Then the process of arranging these sentences becomes quite easy according to the rules of Parajumbles.
3. Choose the right order of the following sentences:
A- By reasoning, we mean the mental process of drawing an inference from two or more statements or going from the inference to the statements, which yield that inference.
B- So logical reasoning covers those types of questions, which imply drawing an inference from the problems.
C- Logic means if we take its original meaning, the science of valid reasoning.
D- Clearly, for understanding arguments and for drawing the inference correctly, it is necessary that we should understand the statements first.
Answer: B
Explanation: Identify the transition words. Then the process of arranging these sentences becomes quite easy according to the rules of Parajumbles.
4. A paragraph starts with the following line:
Duryodhana was a wicked prince.
Choose the right order of the following sentences as a continuation of the above:
P – One day Bhima made Duryodhana fall from a tree from which Duryodhana was stealing fruits.
Q – He did not like that Pandavas should be loved and respected by the people of Hastinapur.
R – Duryodhana specially hated Bhima.
S – Among the Pandavas, Bhima was extraordinarily strong and powerful.
T – This enraged Duryodhana so much that he began to think of removing Bhima from his way.
Answer: C
Explanation: Identify the personal pronouns. Then the process of arranging these sentences becomes quite easy according to the rules of Parajumbles.
5. Choose the right order of the following sentences:
A-. They are the oligarchy.
B- Next are the rule takers, the companies that pay homage to the industrial “lords.”
C- IBM, CBS, United Airlines, Sears, Coca – Cola, and the like are the creators and procreators of industrial orthodoxy.
D- First are the rule makers, the incumbents that built the industry.
E- Fujitsu, ABC, US Air, Smith Barney, J.C. Penny and numerous others are peasants.
F- Look at any industry and you will see three kinds of companies.
Explanation: Identify the transition words and demonstrative pronouns in the sentences. Then the process of arranging these sentences becomes quite easy according to the rules of Parajumbles.

Hope this article was helpful to you in understanding the Parajumbles section of entrance exams. English for Entrance Exams is generally an easy section for any entrance examinations, but the grammar part of it has always confused exam takers. Questions of the section conduct tests about the in-depth knowledge of a student in using the English Language. Try out the quiz about para jumbles by clicking here, to check your knowledge in the subject.