Eazyprep brings to you ‘Words in News’, an easy and interesting way to learn vocabulary important for your exam. Now discover new meanings while also going through current affairs articles at the same time!
Today’s article title is: New umbrella entity for retail payments can be ‘for-profit’: RBI
Did you find words that were absolutely new? Great! Below are the explanations given for some of those difficult words you found. Go through them slowly and don’t forget to do the exercises at the end.
Important words and idioms from the article
Pronunciation: krahy-teer-ee-uhn
Meaning: something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kind
Synonyms: affections, attributes, attributions, characteristics, traits, markers
Usage: What is the criteria for grading these days?
Forms: Criterion (plural)
Pronunciation: kuh-mens-muhnt
Meaning: the point at which something begins
Synonyms: baseline, beginning, genesis, inception, nascence, onset
Antonyms: close, conclusion, end, ending
Usage: The landing is just the commencement of the entire operation.
Forms: Commence (verb)
Pronunciation: ri-myoo-nuh-rey-shuhn
Meaning: payment to another for loss/ payment in exchange of services/goods
Synonyms: compensation, damages, reparation/ compensation, disbursement, payment, remittance
Usage: I will give remuneration for the damage caused to your car/ Your remuneration for one month’s work will be Rs. 50,000
Forms: Remunerate (verb)
Pronunciation: uh-bahyd
Meaning: accept or act in accordance with
Synonyms: obey, follow, uphold
Antonyms: flout, reject
Usage: I promise to abide by the rules of the organization
Forms: Abidance (noun), Abiding (adjective)
Pronunciation: hith-er-too
Meaning: up to this or that time
Synonyms: heretofore, theretofore, yet
Antonyms: henceforth, henceforward, hereafter, thenceforth, thenceforward, thereafter
Usage: She revealed her hitherto unknown prowess at karate during the tournament